This update was posted Saturday 24th February at 20:00. There may be newer updates available, please check the news pages of the HBA website, our social media or reference our latest email/newsletter.
We thought we’d share with you some news relating to our upcoming Annual Conference and the National Hospital Radio Awards, which are due to take place on Saturday 13th April 2024.

This is THE conference for hospital, health and wellbeing broadcasters, consisting of a carefully-curated suite of short talks, demonstrations and panel discussions/Q&A sessions designed to provoke the conversations that matter, both on the day and afterwards within your stations.

We’re pleased to confirm our external keynote speakers:

  • Steve Brine MP, Chair of the House of Commons Health & Social Care Select Committee.
  • Julie Dawes, Chief Nurse at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

These speakers will set the service provided by hospital, health and wellbeing stations in the context of a modern, evolving NHS and social care system.

We’re also looking for short (no more than 90 seconds) presentations from members across the country to open up the conference ahead of the keynote speeches. These presentations are an opportunity for you to showcase how you have adapted  to changing circumstances, or highlighting a particular challenge you’ve faced caused by the evolving health & social care environment in which hospital, health, and wellbeing broadcasting operates.

These can either be pre-recorded video, or presented live at conference if you’re attending. Please email Nigel Dallard via [email protected] with your presentation or for further information.

The spotlight presentations and keynote speeches will set the scene for a lively debate about the future role of hospital, health, and wellbeing broadcasting in the modern NHS, and provide a steer for the overall conference.

The 2024 National Hospital Radio Awards

We have been asked whether we are live streaming this year’s National Hospital Radio Awards ceremony and are aware of messages on social media that imply/assume that this will be the case.

For the avoidance of any doubt, the awards ceremony this year will not be live streamed this year. This is not something that we have done previously (at least not for many years, though you might remember our audio-only streams years ago); we have only a small team, there is much work to do between now and conference, and on the day, and there are many technical uncertainties. We have concluded, therefore, that this is not something that we can commit to. It is our intent that the ceremony is recorded for potential viewing on-demand at a later date, but we cannot guarantee this. The only certain way to see the ceremony is to book a ticket to attend in person.

For all your conference and awards information, including how to book your place, please click here.