BHR1287 would like to thank our
presenter David Firth and his
singing coach Lynne for organising
the Sixties evening where funds
were donated to Basildon Hospital
The concert was held at The
Rayleigh Mill who kindly donated
the hall for the event. The evening
was a non-stop fun packed event
with the continual rending of those
long forgotten tracks played on the
Dansette record player.
Our presenter David Firth sang a
set of Elvis songs giving an
extremely polished performance.
The Jukebox Duo also performed
along with The Sundaes.
It was a well organised evening
and a sell out with over two
hundred people, some enquiring
as to when and where the next
event would be.
David and Lynne’s efforts raised
over a thousand pounds for
Basildon Hospital Radio for which
we thank you.
Jacqui James, Chairman, BHR1287