In an article in the Huffington Post, Emma Bartholomew explains her motivations for volunteering at Radio Lollipop at Great Ormond Street Hospital, and why it provides "a spoonful of perspective"
"I was overwhelmed by the impact on the young patients of having some favourite songs played and interaction with a fun, friendly DJ who the children felt was only talking to them."
"This organization enables adults of all ages, backgrounds, cultures and creeds, to spend precious time with incredibly special children who teach them so much – to be curious, courageous, bold, honest and to retain perspective. The impact on the children is equally considerable. They are temporarily distracted from the discomfort, confusion and pain of being unwell and they too learn from the adult volunteers, not just the knowledge of the elder, but the lesson of those core values I share with the volunteer force at Radio Lollipop – integrity, passion and compassion."